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Have you felt unwanted , uncalled for , unFAOed , well if so , this is the thread you've been waiting for . I have been shouting from the chimney tops for you , welcome , lovely to see you , tell me...
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naked wrestle with?
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You have asked me in a thread on Anorexia to stop using the term "No big deal" I feel that is insulting on a forum that deals in opinions. To be fair you are not the only one to object to my...
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and I'm sick of it. They taste delish but never ever rise! I've bought some baking powder but it doesn't say how to use it. Do i add it to the flour or take some flour out? And how much should I use?...
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If u have it,what are your worst symptoms ? I am going thru a really bad time at the moment and am so fed up
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what does" we don't give a s*hit where dem hoes at " mean?
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what have you all been doing today?
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On our recent holiday to Murcia, things went from bad to worse, can't say where for obvious reasons, when we came back I spoke to the person we rented the villa from and he, staight away, has offered...
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Did you know that you are on tv on the sc-fi channel at this moment fully ressurrected and having a monumental battle with the scorpion king in the mummy returns? Oh b'ugger the adverts have just come...
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Hey all. i heard a piece on radio 2 about the Small Faces TV program, where the host mentioned " the song that sounds exactly like Whole lotta love " .. or words to that effect. Any idea what that...
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If you are a fan of the best band in the ever in the world then please tell us what your favourite song is.
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I am still tiddly. Great night.
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one of these fly above them. 60801-004-17446DA3.jpg
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Morning all. Yesterday the in laws came to visit, bearing gifts from their holiday. Mr O & all the junior O's received expensive watches. My mother in law handed me a box of branded washing powder,...
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Do you miss then? (Other questions are available if this does not apply, see below)
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A Spoof with the title THIS IS ? TAP. Letters are ?P??AL
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yesterday I made Sunday roast by mistake so now we have to have Saturday's menu of all day breakfast. Well now I know I am old.
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I know thers an opposing view thread but I really truly hope they can resolve this. I so wanted to see them just once before they disbanded and its not gonna happen. Somone should kick Liam up the...
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Hi can you help me with these 2 doing my head in 16A Flowering plant C????M?N 7D Equipment A????T?EMENTS

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