If I were to make a "Cat in the Hat" T-Shirt, with the Dr Seuss characters and all.....just for my own use. Would I be in breach of copyright laws. Even if it wasn't used to sell and was one of a...
The recently published A level results (showing record numbers of grade As for the 22nd year running), prove that exams really are getting easier, to the point that it's just becoming farcical....
In XP, every time i log on to the net, i get a bubble come up saying "You are now connected at 1.1Mbs" with 2 little blue tv screens that show internet activity. I need to keep the tv icon on while...
Religion is false. It is simply belief in something created by man for man to lean on, beacuse they are weak minded sheep who are too arfaid of the real world, any christians out there ask yourselves,...
Go on, own up, you do sometimes don't you? What's your favourite but probably less than healthy snack? (Mine has to be American style hot dog sausages in a white roll & smothered with tomato ketchup!...
I have heard that in a certain country (I can't remember which one?) it is illegal to take a lion into a cinema! Why do they have these laws if they probably know that nobody would do that anyway!
Can I have your opinions please on what the best UK newspaper is. I live in London and am trying to get into reading newspapers - but they all seem so focussed on scandals/'celebrities' and other...
The answers given on the popularity of bruce lee were quite adequate. What I am trying to say is why have any film producers and martial artists produced anything like the fight scenes that bruce lee...
Ok you are doing a parachute jump and your first, then second chute doesn't open. You collide with someone and their chute has opened and you hang on for dear life. Assuming you both weigh much the...