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10a] Persecution of ghetto residents or minority primarily. [6] ???R?M. 6d] Perfect blend of oil in garlic mayonnaise. [5] A???I....
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the old mill
15d Where two of the main characters in the comedy of errors are from?. s?r???S?. 17d For the reason that (7) 20ac Closed carriage for one person carried on poles by two bearers. (5-5) (?e?a?-????R)...
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Dressed as Batman and Robin, its on now !!
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Answers are names of flowers: A lovely lad Wed money Thanks for any help...
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Oh yes - it's here and it's killing people. 17 flu deaths this year so far - 14 from swine flu Given all the fuss last year - why is this startling statistic...
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I've got 5 robins in my garden at the minute.
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bringing into existence 8 letters
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In 2003 Mohammed Ibrahim, an asylum-seeking Iraqi Kurd living in the UK ran over and killed 12-year-old Amy Houston while he was banned from driving. He received "British Justice" of 4...
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I'm watching a documentary about them with Ray Davis and I hadn't realised how prolific - and how good - they were. Brilliant! Any fans out there?
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Is it as simple as that, in the oven job done?
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Come Dine With Me on Channel 4 today at 5pm not suitable for tea time viewing. Yvette Feilding crude and again overacting, bleeps etc. Do Channel 4 not realise that this is early evening viewing when...
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the old mill
10ac behaving foolishly. (8) (?l???ing) 6d Current affairs centres. (9) (N???r?o?s) 15ac Computer code. (5) (a?c?d)
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POP music. I'm going for Annie Lennox....
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R1Geezer Why don't M'Luds do this more often?...
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9D Undo (8) ??F?S?E? 8A At loggerheads (11) ????R????N? Any help most appreciated...
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I just can't fathom it out, speedwell
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last one when to eat? (5) thanks...
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9d in the roman catholic church a person who maintains views contrary to orthodox teaching (7) ?e?e??c thanks in advance...
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At panto this afternoon. I'm going with s-i-l and kids as her Mum couln't make it. Cinderella starring Cilla Black. Is it wrong that I'm actually a little bit excited?
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night night
1confused team going near to the east 10,4 2,meat stream 10 3, kick out prayer 4,4,4 4slip guy orchard a try 4,4,5,5 5,thinking matternbelongs to england scotland and wales 5.2,7 6concede rusty ovens...

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