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Has anyone here tried eating low carb, and how did you find it? I've been doing it for a month in an attempt to lower my blood sugar reading, and avoid diabetes. I've given up all sweet food, sugary...
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I have an old PC which still runs on XP. It screams and whirs and generally sounds like it's going around Brands Hatch when I use it. I also have a new PC which I don't trust. It got stuck trying to...
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I am trying to move the contents of one hard drive to another on windows 7 relatively new PC. When I click on certain files (often a single picture) I get the blue spinning circle for AGES. Why does...
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I have a baking tin which seems to go rusty whenever I wash it. I have tried various things, but there is always horrid orangey rust inside it when it dries. Is it time for the bin or can it be saved?
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I need to find something that PSP stands for, which can be a made up company or charity, or something that sounds formal. It's for a comedy sketch where someone sees PSP on a t-shirt (which actually...
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My friend messaged me this morning completely shocked that when she lifted up her hair at the side, she has a large bald patch. She is, understandable, distraught. She has been suffering from anxiety,...
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For months now I have had a ridiculous cough. It starts as an intense itch in my throat/voice box and it's so strong that my eyes water and I have to cough/retch violently to 'scratch' it which makes...
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My flatmate is sometimes kept awake for whole days and nights by the sense that the floor in his room is vibrating. Today I spoke to the man in the flat below and he said he couldn't think of anything...
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My mum has had a stomach bug since Friday - this is the 6th day. I thought she was getting better but today she had huge sickness and diarrhoea accident. She's 78 and traveling in her camper van far...
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I'm doing a bit of research. I'd like to know, in your opinion, when was the last year that you remember listening to/enjoying pop music/thinking the songs were good? When was the last great year for...
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I have just loaded iTunes onto my new PC and am trying to add all the old songs and playlists over. Some of the songs on a playlist appear in bold and others are feint. I thought maybe the feint ones...
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My dictaphone has stopped synching to my PC. When I plug it in I get the message "Please wait (Remote)" which flashes forever. I've tried different leads/PCs. Any advice gratefully received!...
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I am still using XP, and am transitioning to a new PC. For now I need the XP one to work. I started to get annoying pop up whole tabs appear on Chrome and did everything I could think of to stop them....
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My friend is 44 and works full time, earning around £20k per year. He would love his own place and is sick of sharing and renting. Is it now impossible for him, at his age, and being single, to get a...
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I passed a hard stool over 2 months ago, and had immediate bleeding. I guess it's a fissure cos now whenever I go, it is absolute agony, and the tear (I think) is being re-opened all the time. I went...
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Apologies for asking this again but I'm hoping someone will have some knowledge of ankle problems. Any idea what this is.. My ankle will often be too painful to stand on. Like something is "caught"....
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Any idea what this is.. My ankle will often be too painful to stand on. Like something is "caught". Twisted. I flick my ankle in a clockwise motion maybe 4 or 5 times. Then it does several clicks all...
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I'm okay when I sit up but I've noticed when I lie down I my back/ left side I get a sort of pressure pain round from the top of my ribs to my back. I thought it was indigestion as I get GERD and have...
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I was recently given a big TV- 32 " Samsung. Its owner was upgrading. Whilst I was grateful, the picture is truly is awful. I have fiddled with all the settings and the picture still seems to be too...
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I have a 2 bed maisonette which is rented out. It's in a not very nice area so is not worth much- maybe £105k. I have ten years left on the interest only mortgage before I have to hand it back / sell...

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