I am a full time teacher and I am having my first baby at the beginning of June 2005. Someone said there has been a change in maternity pay - I am going back to work in 2006. Am I going to be entitled...
My wife and I are wanting a nuchal translucency test but have been told we will have to have it done privately for between ?100 and ?150. Other NHS trusts do it as standard along with the...
Has anyone come across a home ultrasound kit at all? The good wife is naturally worrying about things, and all I can give is verbal support. No hard evidence that everything is ok. For example, her...
I just happen to read this paper as my mum tends to get it over any others. It's not very popular on this site, but I just wondered why? In not too complicated words...can anyone tell me?...
I am due to finish my packet of pills today before starting another tomorrow. I've just looked at the packet+i've got two pills left instead of one!! I know i def took saturdays but i cant remember if...
can anyone help? please can you tell me what you are not allowed to eat during pregnany and if its for the full nine months or only the first three months
Hi, I am currently 10 weeks pregnant with my first child. On Saturday I started bleeding. It wasn't gushing but there was an amount of fresh blood. I was on holiday at the time so on the advice of my...
Considering the number of people who like a smoke and the relatively few people who work on the premises surely a breathing mask of some sort could be invented/adapted to cover the staffs mouths and...
I'm a single parent - working full-time but still skint & wondering how I'm going to afford Xmas this year (again)! My washing machine recently broke and I had to get a new one. My boyfriend, who I...
I have been given the opotunity to move in to a brand new flat with a friend, who i have recently met up with again after a year we get on like a house on fire but she is very messy compared to me....
Every year I have the same problem, I never know what to tell anyone what I want for Christmas!! I have no probs finding pressies for everyone else. It's more that I don't know what to tell my...
does anyone else have friends that cancel on the last minute for everything? it was my friends 21st birthday last week and her other half was working away so i said did she want to go out. we firstly...
I was just wondering, when i'm on my period i generally dont bleed during the night or when i'm asleep. It tends to stop at about 9 or 10 in the evening and then start when i wake up, does anyone else...
Here is something for you to all try, which really works. When you go to bed tonight decide what time in the morning you wnat to wake up and bang your head on the pillow that many times. For example,...
Having been sat on the toilet the last 5 days with food poisoning, I'm thinking of placing the accompanying cramps in my top 3 most painful things I've experienced in life so far. This is the current...