Good morning. I just can't see the following and any advice appreciated. 1a Copper, special originally eating something done that's succulent (6) I have ?A?T?S 24d Course record very good over mile...
1 lad never prepared this aromatic shrub found I some soap 8 ???e???r 2 black cumin for a seedy tv chef peculiarly legal in an ingredient of some dark coloured soap 7 ?i?e??? 3 source of camphorous...
times 19a Like the works of one dutch painter 14 letters I have ?e?b??d?e???e. I feel i have gone very wrong as I cannot make a word out of these letters.
help required with the following 7d clio moved about with inner pain (5) ??b?? 8d woman of habit inhabit it (7) ??d???y 21d said five struggled in this cup (5) ??v?s any help much appreciated thanks...
Help please.
26 Across (10) Dolefully idle?.
19 Down (6) Habit makes copper most upset.
15 Down (8) Endanger surrounding area, which is magnificent.
I'm totally stumped on two and would appreciate help.
27a Excel at trick showing some beef (9) I have O?E?T???P
10a Nasa's speciality quickly harbours love (9) A?????A?E...
5a Add water to (a dried substance) - ??s?d?a?e 5d Purpose of existence - ????o? ??e?e 20d Japanese artist and pintmaker - H?k?s?i 24d The birds of a region - A?i?a?n? 32d Relating to the complete set...
28D - musical instrument with a fretted fingerboard, flat backed body and 6 strings. ?i?l . Have tried lots of Google links but keep getting guitar!! Thanks.
8d hindmaist at the hinnerend ane mair thing (6) l-s-l- 28a village with castle near kincardine Bridge a-r--(5) 29d use now planned for Edinburgh's former Royal High School (5) --t-l many thanks...
I have a few questions about the oleander plant . I hope someone can help me . I live outside Athens , Georgia and I have a bright pink oleander I planted last year and the frost got it this year and...
1-Instantly S?M?A?I?Y 2-Somewhat A / ?R?F?E 3-Draws oneself farther back to an extent ????L?S 4-Shopkeeper makes quiet tick in index, maybe ?I?H?O???? 5-Early communist sponsors want new leader E?G?L?...