Barrie Taylor, who produces the annual Place Names quiz to raise funds for Whittington Cricket Club, has put together an interim quiz, to be completed over the Christmas period. No place names in this...
Stuck on these five No 44 the R in the book and the M in the author are girls names No50 three girls names 44AUR/IM (4 &4) BOOK+AUTHOR 50 Three little presents presented by the PM to an eccentric cat...
Can anyone help please. This is my last one. No. 56 When you'll get what's coming to you. 8, 4 I had payback time but it does not fit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last one to get - Song, can be cyptic, general knowledge or anagram - 81) Covered by James Coburn, Michael Parkinson and Christopher Lee et al! (4,2,3,3) Any help much appreciated, Thankyou
unlucky for the third wedding guest (9) angry statement of amount due(9) quite a pile on the fioor (4) goverment emergency committee (5) Thanks for your help
There's some real brainboxes out there cos I have found this quiz really hard Thanks still a few more Found in Engelbert Humperdincks repertoire 4 letters and sounds rather coarse 5 letters
sorry about missing Volga yesterday I have looked at this quiz 'til I'm boggle eyed. Here goes: Soldiers involved with an explosive mixture 5 letters and Pure as the water therein 9 letters
I see your around, In the rhodes minnis quiz number 26 in my book the girls name is 6 letters ? the rest of the letters go so must be the right song what do you think ? freebi
Still need, CLUES ONLY PLEASE 33. Always between the poles (6) 39. His shot was aimed way off target (6) 42. Soldiers involved with an explosive mixture (5) Many thanks J.