Why do we shop for more food, when the freezer is always full? We do eat a lot of fresh food, so it always amazes me that we & friends of ours can never get another morsel in to the...
I read in the paper this morning, that there is a new website called www.newreg.com where you can find the origination of a no. plate. Do you know of any other sites which provide this...
Now that the Muslim school girl has won her case in the Appeal Court to wear a Jilbab to school - do you think this could be the beginning of the end for the school uniform? Personally, I...
Does anyone know where I could buy photograph packets/envelopes please? Most of our APS photo's came back in the hard box type packs. These take up so much space & I would like to replace them...
AB Ed - a couple of us here in England, recommended an Argos store to Peanut. Peanut replied that he was in New York & asked whether they have Argos stores there. Of course we wouldn't know...
As my last question on this subject was banned - I shall try again. I wondered if any of you have any ideas for our daughters forthcoming 40th birthday. She doesn't want a party. We have a couple of...
I have always fancied the idea of owning a Nanny Goat as a pet. I'm not saying we will ever own one, but wondered if you know anyone who has & if there were any drawbacks? The reason I...
I had an eye test at SpecSavers a couple of weeks ago & picked my new bi-focals on Saturday. The new spec's are fine for reading, TV & driving, but I am really struggling with trying to...
Seeing as AB has a poll on valentine preferences - I thought I might get away with asking this question: If anyone watched part 1 of 'The Stepfather' on ITV last night, who in your opinion, do...
Since I switched on my PC this morning, it sounds like it's having a really good conversation with its components - or someone on the Internet! I don't know what it's configuring, but is anyone...