Does anybody else think there might be a mistake in grid? for 23 across (first name of famous English architect and stage designer Jones) I have answer == Inigo For 21d (of which card game are there...
Stuck on the run-in..... 22a (3 ad 6). Doomed, star crossed. ILL and ???N?? 28a (6). Annoy, vex N????? Thinking nettle but doesnt seem to fit..... 21d (6). Uninhibited, abandoned no letters 15d (9...
13d (3 and 7). Old fashioned form of hearing aid EAR and ?R?M?E? 4d (6 letters). Strong dry dust-laden local wind that blows in Sahara and Middle East area and deserts of the Arabian peninsula ?I?O?M
Any help appreciated 28a (10 letters). Inevitable result of woeful lament in Telefis Eireann ?N???????? 6d (8 letters). Doorway to transport? ?N?R?N?? 1d (10 letters). Basis for the establishment...
31 across any large ray of temperate and tropical seas. ??a?e . 19 down an ancient town in central egypt a??d?? . big monday xword 20 down thin stalk-like extension of a flower,s ovary that bears the...
Any help appreciated A dried white grape (7 letters). S?L?A?A Is it sultana 1a (10 letters). member of a missionary religious order. ??S?I????? 18 (8 letters). Splendous, majesty ?R?N?E?? 29a (5 and...
Need clarification! Thanks in anticipation. Clue: Is directed onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aids. (5 and 2) Is it Homes In or is it Homes On???
Any help appreciated. 8a (4 letters). Q the American ?I?E 18a (8 and 7). Minor bottle problem, this one? ?N???A?E and ?R????? 6d (8 letters). Must have been the longest battle ever in history!...
Any help appreciated 5d (9 letters) Contracts a number of witches before 4 (answer four was 'ants,' an anagram of gnats). ?O?????T? 17d (9 letters). It's often carried to court for short hearing,...
Any help appreciated 4d (7 letters). all-dark sea ducks, the males totally black and the females lighter, often seen as large bobbing rafts offshore S?O?E?? 1d (5 and 3). Mineral-bearing clay as it...