Who wears clothes while in bed? PJ's, nightgowns etc. If you DO wear clothes in bed, why? Would you not feel comfortable just sleeping in your own skin with a quilt/duvet for warmth? (or ur partner)...
Anyone else love the new John Lewis and Waitrose advert. Hope this link works if you haven't seen it.
Considered by many to be a bit taboo, personally i never have and wouldn't , but that because of the generation i belong to. However i have heard younger people do it, and was a bit uncomfortable...
We were out last night for food and someone started a discussion about which 12 famous people/ celebrities/ historical figures /people who are known for something, alive or dead, (language being no...
I’m thinking about buying one of these. Anyone got one which they really, really like and wouldn’t change for anything else? Do you have one (which one?) but wish you’d bought a different one...
Hi can you please help me 1. Confetti not to be spread around or contaminate (6) 2. Would this business work better under anaesthetic (9) 3. Bitterness of the classifier allegedly (7) 4. Fed her an...
I've Googled till I'm googled out on this one, so does anyone here know of a good website for... A large, strong, wheeled (plastic probably) storage box, with a lid, preferably hinged, about a metre...
Before anyone tells me i know i should not get to the stage where this bothers or annoys me,BUT could someone not come up with a better word to describe people on the television so called...
Saturday. The sky is clear, it's going to be a sunny day, which is good as I'm in the Visitor Centre on the canal today. My mates Mrs. is coming with us, that means I'm being treated to dinner on the...
ive got to go bed in a min (been up since 5 this morning)So a quick one to read later. Just interested in hearing how long anyone started work and how long it took for them to feel as though they...
https://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/news/local-news/liam-gallagher-crown-inn-talke-1916112 I love his music but you'd think he'd make a bit of an effort to smarten up to go for Sunday lunch. mrs F_F...