..or there more of us who really can't be botherd clicking onto these damn utube thingies. Surely, if you have something to impart upon the thread, do it yourself.
....from Whitby. Cloudy, 10 degrees, no rain. Heavy traffic westboud, light eastbound. Might go for a haircut when the barber opens............Interesting, wot?
I plan to cook some chips in a deep fryer. If I sort of half cook them, and then finish them about 4 hours later, would they taste ok? I can raise the basket out of the oil so they wouldn't be sitting...
What are the two cities mentioned in this story, and will any of you be affected by the lack of a loo?:)
Following on from Bobbi's thread, which do you think are the most 'stirring' and 'wimpiest' national anthems? My choices, in order, are the French and the Canadian. As an addon, I think the...
....as I brave my way across the field to the bar this afternoon. We're getting some heavy rain and high winds. I imagine these could be the effects of Hurrican Earl, even though we're not anywhere...