Sorry not sure which section to put this in. Please can someone give me a link to a free sniping site that I can use with e-bay. Many thanks for any answers.
Not sure if this is the right place for this thread. Today at a remote bus stop there was a DVD attached to the bus stop sign that said "Free DVD?" I took it home and it turned out that it...
You see a shirt for £97, but You don't have the money, so you borrow £50 off you're Mum and £50 off you're Dad. £50+£50=£100, right? ... ... You buy the shirt and...
There has been an alert on Facebook about security. It is to do with http as apposed to https. I notice that at the top of my screen in answerbank it has http. Is this ok? Do I need to do anything?...
Can anyone please tell me: My partner is 61 and he would love to retire early. He works for a local company as a driver. How can we find out if he can, and how much state pension he would be entitled...
I was listening to these couple of d!ckheads talking in the pub last night. They were saying they would Never want to fly on an aircraft with a woman pilot. I thought to myself.. what a pair of...