Has anyone tried using SJphones voip solution on web n walk tariff? Or does anyone know how much data is used during telephone calls? We use Gradwell.com for our telephone lines at work and I have...
Lately my bills are getting really high especially when I travel use my mobile for roaming. I was thinking of using a voip instead for majority of my calls but not sure how it works or how to go about...
Hi, i am currently having problems reducing picture size for pics to go on a web page. They are pics of animals which have quite a lot of detail. When i reduce them to an exact size (which is about...
only had my computer for 2 weeks,and i am receiving e mails from unknown people/persons,that i do not know. my spam filter is on but that is not helping. i receive all e mails through yahoo. can any...
I have just downloaded a game that I cannot get in any shops at all, I burnt it onto a disk and installed it, when i went to play it it told me wrong disk I have a no cd ...