A colleague recently told me that when he lodged the proceeds of his house sale to his bank account he was contacted by HMRC. Apparently they wanted to know how he came by this money (72k). Are the...
There is this very weird stuff growing along our wall. At first glance it looks like small curly dog poo but it is not, it is more like some sort of sslimey brown seeweed thing (we dont live by the...
Morning all Am going to start potty training the piglet (I think). Anyone have any advice? She is 21 mths old at the moment and understands poo and pee so am thinking I will give it a go. Many thanks...
Thanks for all your good wishes. Little Sarah Lucy Jane was born by emergency caesarean on Weds 15th July weighing 6lb 2oz after 4 failed attempts to break my waters and I getting HELLP syndrome....
am i the only one whos child doesn't go to sleep nicely in their cot at 7.30 every night??or am i the only one to admit it?he is one year old and i do the same routine at...
Hi Everyone, thanks for all your best wishes regarding the birth of our baby son, who still has no name. To summarise, the Labour was traumatic, 30 hours and they would only give me Entinox (Gas &...
Has anyone any suggestions how to get more fluids into a 16 mth old? The piglet wont drink from a cup and refuses water in her bottle. Its been so hot lately that I am concerned she is not getting...
Hi I am in the process of trying to claim back ?200 in bank charges from this year for my Husband. The bank replied to our letter and I stated we were in financial difficulty and needed refunding asap...
i dont really quite know how i am feeling, i can be so happy then all of a sudden feel angry and want to just cry! im the sort of person who wants there house to be so clean and tidy all the time but...
Can anyone find a photograph of Hazel Blears where she's not wearing a self satisfied smirk?
I've searched images on Google and there don't seem to be any.
A man says to his wife 'Tell me something that will make me happy and sad at the same time.' His wife replies 'You've got a bigger dick than your brother ...'
Foolishly posted an honest opinion on the news section, for which I got well and truly slated, so am back here to be amongst people who I can trust to slag me off for all the wrong reasons when I post...
Studies indicate that eating curry regularly may reduce the risk of developing dementia as chemicals within the spices prevent the build up of the plaque proteins responsible for the degeneration....
I'm going to a charity night in a couple of weeks featuring Cannon and Ball (if anyone remembers them). The second half of their show is a question and answer session where the audience asks them...