Me and the missus was watching Jurassic park last night when it came to the water cup scene and she came up with an interesting point. You can hear the approaching Tyrannosaurus Rex's footsteps which...
A woman went to her doctor for advice. She told him that her husband had developed a penchant for anal sex, and she was not sure that it was such a good idea. "Do you enjoy it?" The doctor...
Hi I think i have a virus of some sort on my laptop as the other day a friend tried to download a game while i was at work and it didn't work so thought nothing of it, but i think it was a dodgey...
Paddy Ashdown says we should pull out straight away to prevent any more service personnel being killed or maimed. He also states its a political failure... Isn't it time that Society started considering locking these lower than low criminals up in concentration style camps for ever? This piece of filth not...
Just watched the trailer for the new Jack Reacher film, looks ok but I 'm afraid Tom just doesn't seem right in the part.What do you Reacher fans reckon?
When you see things like camel's feet served up to be eaten by the contestants on I'm A Celebrity, do you think the animals have been killed for that purpose? I do, no matter how much the...
Is the level of volume required for Audacity dependant on the amount of volume at the speakers, or is it possible to set levels on the Audacity page before commencing recording ?
Because these days most tv progs leave much to be desired I have started to record Radio 4 & Radio 4 extra afternoon plays on my Panasonic DVD Recorder hard drive. I would very much like to put...
I love the occasional piece of cake. Any good healthier options out there please. I don't have any allergies etc, just a bit of a greedy guts sometimes! Many thanks in anticipation.