i have,nt been on so much latley lots of names i dont reconize, if you just turned from green or just come back after a long absence just like to say hiya
good evening abs had a real heavy night on the drink painted hartlepool red and all coulors i had to work 6am on sat morning so i could have sat night of, so i,d been up since 5am went out on sat...
then i didnt get banned it took ages for my qestion and when i tryed to answer on threads i couldnt , does a banned 1 banned question mean you get a total ban and for how long know one seems to know...
i love the gravey out of kentucky fried chicken has any abs tryed somthing nearly like it what they have bought out of supermarkets or shops [ i know its a secret recipe but its worth the ask thanks
i just read on the text that the little baby killed by the dogs her grandfather has been murdered by someone did i read this correct, cos if its right how much agony does one person have to suffer...
wasent she just a little love, bless she was reading off that paper and moving her finger along the words, and you could see she had thought them up herself. i think steve would have been very proud...
my daughter would love a copy of a book she had when she was 6-7 shes now 21 unfotunatly the book got lost when we moved it was a childrens tresuary of stories , but not the tradional ones like...
its absoulty blowing half a gale i think its said were getting the back end of a hurricane [maybe thats why its windy wind back end get it lol no it relly bad i hope it calms down soon
i need to find a book from 15 years ago it was a chidrens tresurey of stories not the classic ones like ciderella etc but totally diffrent ones we lost it when we moved my daughter would love it for...