18ac fish for old example of tiresome lot, go away ?E?E???L?G??? 19D spent about £1 for material ?L?I? 17D share of unfinished tea plantation is restricted ???N?H? 14D sailor not worried about...
Last 3, must be too tired to see !! Help appreciated, with rationale. 23d- a biter moving up bikini (5) - T?N?A - tenia ?? if so, why? 26d - calcium builds this - or thiamine? (4) - ?O?E 22d - N....
4a. Impertinence to criticise kitchen item (8) ???c?t?n
5d. Hateful defendant defending right (8) ????r???
First letter of 5d is second letter of 4a...
19a Dance with fair feaded disabled soldier (8) ?????N?O
21a Cultivated flower say for drama series (6,3) ?????S ?A?
17d Potential roomful without fine alloy (6) O??????...