Thankd is advance to any clever person who might assist with the following that have me stumped: 38a - couplet in Greek/Latin classical poetry 11d - measure of fresh herrings equal to thirty seven and...
Absolutely stumped by 1 clue. Can any clever soul help me out here? 18a tight fitting bathing costume (thought it was swimming but this doesn't go with 13d rupture). Many thanks.
23d small clique of people with common interests 28d having an illustrious reputation. Obviously brain still stunned from those gales. Manyy thanks for your help, all you brainy peple out there.
45a any of various mediterranean plants including the mignonette. I have res-d- and googling got me nowhere. Thanks for any help from out there. It is my last clue!
OK so I am really late doing this one! 48d In ski-ing a straight high speed downhill run. I've googled till I'm demented but just can't get this one. MANY THANKS FOR YOUR HELP
36d Refuse to acknowledge and disclaim any association with. Too much Christmas spirit addling the wits. Just cant get this one. Many thanks in advance and also thanks to those who have helped me out...
Thick as a brick here again. Can any kind soul tell me what 3d (low table with a mirror) and 7d (regulating device) might be? Thanks for help to the afflicted!
I think it must be the medication but I have made a real pig's mess of this one. Can anyone help me on 19a Lucrative 38a location given as an angular measure above/below equator 43a city in Virginia...
21 down (last one and I cannot get a meaningful google on this) Genus of plants ideal for rock gardens and borders, with showy, yellow, daisy like flowers. It appears to start with a letter i from 20a...
Both on the downward path this week. Is 6d iridescent? It fits but not quite the way I would have defined things. What kind of cyte is 34 down? Thanks in advance for the help.
Stuck again - and even though I do not enter the things I HATE not to complete.So here goes, as I rely once more on the kindness of strangers. 36a the geological period following the Carboniferous 26d...
Having wrestled with Mepham's TWO senior moments this week, I am stuck on 5d (thin tissue used in cooking); 11d (1958 sports car designed by Donald Healy); 24d (subemerged ridges of coral near surface...
10d Talisman 45d a run in cricket not coming from the bat 24a the most interesting or memorable part of an event This has been a shocking day. When I googled for 42d I kept getting directed to...
38a eludes me - go between chosen to judge an issue. also puzzling about how 22a and 23d fit. Julia Somerville? Excelsior? Very odd. Can anyone help please? many thanks for help offered to batty old...
If 5d is Mount Pisgah ,then 26 across can't be exterior as I thought . . . Mount Pisgah is correct so what have I done wrong? Thanks to the clever people out there!
A surfeit of lampreys oh no I mean football has turned my brain to mushy peas. Can any kind soul help a struggler with 15a middle part of torso, 6d multimedia presentation viewed on several monitors...