Well I'm not racist (not by my definition, anyway). But I didn't have anything to do with the sad death of this cove in America and nor did, I would imagine, anybody in this country. I expect white people die in police operations in the US as well, but we don't hear too much of them. But even if we did, once again, it's nothing to do with us. Seeing our police officers ridiculously down on one knee appals me. They are supposed to be impartial.
Regretfully my getting a haircut and having a pint in my local are far more important to me than something I had nothing to do with. I can't do either of those things because the virus is, apparently, still spreading. Well it's going to spread a bit more now with these idiots marauding around the city illegally. The next thing we will hear is how disproportionately affected by the virus "BAME" people are. Well they'd be a bit less affected if they didn't roam around the streets mob handed.