If you could be an animal for a week, what would it be? Why? What kind of animal do you think you have the most comparison of (appearance & character)?
What are you doing for Memorial Day? I'm going to the US Kid in downtown Louisiana for the assembly they're having. Me and my family are going to hang around and go out to eat.
What does it mean when songs appear in red and have an "x" to the right of them under Library ? How can I remove the "x" and reverse the red highlightings ?
I have 4 birds. Out of those four birds, I have two ********** (Sugar and Cane). I got them from Petsmart. The one that they sold me was supposed to be a girl. The next week they were mating. I...
I think that the website should have a section about school. I have a lot of unanswered questions about school that needs some attention. This spread of school questions and answers could help...
I am looking for the perfect career that I will enjoy every time I go to work. I would like information about a website that I can go to that would evaluate the perfect career for me. Thanks (very...
I have been searching for media players that accept iPod Shuffles (2nd Generation) and that does not need a credit card number or payments (monthly, annually, etc.). I need a program that is virus...
I have a computer that had all its contents (nothing was on it). I purchased Windows XP (Home Edition). I have an iPod Shuffle (2nd generation) that was installed with my old computer (which is the...