Can anybody tell me the title of the beautiful choral music played in today's memorial service at St. Pauls where members of the emergency services processed carrying lit candles. There was a brief...
Accidentally posted previously in wrong section. Apologies. Are there any websites which will help me track down which regiment my grandfather served in during WW1, and where in France he might have...
Are there any websites which might help me discover which regiment my grandfather served in during Word War 1 and where in France he might have served?
At Christmas I received a number of cards which had no stamps on them or postage was underpaid. The Post Office delivered cards saying a package was waiting for me and I've had to pay several batches...
I am experiencing black mould building up between the external double glazing gaskets and the outside glass window pane, i.e. it's visible from inside the room. As the gaskets are white it's very...
Does anybody know a manufacturer or website where a man can buy shorter than normal (27") lightweight track suit bottoms?. All the normal manufacturers make them in a length which is far too long...
Can anybody point to some providers who make lightweight track suit bottoms for a man who has a 27" leg length?. All the standard sports gear providers seem to manufacture track suit bottoms...
How can I avoid lime peel becoming tough when included in marmalade? The batch I've just made is as tough as leather. I need to remove it to make the marmalade palatable. If I gently warm the...
It's not distorted or damaged but is hideously blackened both inside and out. As it's one of my favourite cooking pans, what's the best way of trying to rescue it?
I'm a little puzzled as to why those pushing for a change to an Alternative Vote system for electing MPs to Parliament haven't realised that it won't necessarily produce a different result. If people...
If you saw his programme last night and feel angry about thousands of tonnes of perfectly good fish having to be thrown back dead into the sea every day because EEC Fishing Quota rules have been...
Have been diagnosed with this, but condition is stable under medication with no indication by consultant that my vision is unsafe for driving. Does this have to be declared to my car insurer or are...
If you use wine in cooking, to improve the flavour of a sauce for example, and it evaporates during the cooking process, would you regard it as ethical to serve this food to somebody whose religion...
Exactly where do you put the carpet pieces in relation to the wheels? In front of them to try and drive onto them? Behind them so you reverse o to them slightly? And how can you retrieve your carpet...