Finally we have a cure for car users that don't want to drive, find it a chore, and are really bad at it accordingly. Leave the roads free for the drivers who do enjoy driving by paying full attention to the road, courteous of other drivers and maintain a defensive driving style to ensure safety above all things.
All the old people who find neck movements difficult and awareness times lacking would find this very helpful, pregnant and disabled people too. AND don't forget you can drive to the pub, get sozzled and your car drives you home!! Perfect :)
We already rely on machine to do life threatening tasks as complicated as navigating a road network. BT's network exchange is phenomenally complicated, hospitals use purpose built computer tech to keep us alive and our Nation Defence (inc. nuclear launch capabilities) has sophisticated, purpose built systems to make it operational.
You're bonkers if you voted "No" truly the ball and chain to mankind's endeavours to free the willing of menial tasks, like driving.
Or cleaning floors (hoover) Cooking over an open fire (microwave oven) Writing a post on AnswerBank (Computer)... I've run out of energy now...