Is there anyway I can change my user name please - I've only just learned that anyone googling it can find out where I post and there are some people I would prefer not to have access to this information -
yes, trim but some of us are a bit thick and I admit I'm guilty of not thinking things through - but them I'm a million years old and not very computer literate -I'm trying to learn though.
I dont actually mind who knows me in real life knowing I post here, or anywhere else on the internet. Fortunately (and sadly) im equally as boring on both, so no sod is interested in delving anyway :-(
You could always just get yourself banned, everything would disappear then. If you wanted to come back, you would need to move house and internet provider etc etc.
you cannot delete your posts so they are obviously going to be findable on the internet. Its not really the eds fault. its just how the internet works.
the only option would be for the site to be able to remove posts that are a certain age. you would still be findable on google but the extent of your posting history would be much less.