I beg to differ Headbager. All that link does is to reload the previos page as a new page, so you haven't gone back, you have gone forward. That is why the 'forward' button is inactive. The go Back link also disappears after using it once.
You are now stuck - cannot go forward - cannot go back (without using the dropdown menu).
I'm on IE9 and I get a banner across the bottom of the page that says -
'Internet Explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting'
I have to click the X to get rid of it. It appears everytime I refresh or change topics. It's very annoying.
Hi lashley
I sorted it by installing an Ad blocker .I have Firefox btw .
The smiley men jigging around at the top of the page were getting on my nerves big time stylie .
Funnily enough once I'd installed it my back button worked.
I know that AB relies on Ads to keep the site going but ..sorry Ed ....my sanity is more important :)
Are you nuts Ed....asking shaney such a question.? I do hope you are not suggesting that one should be bonkers as a qualification for membership of AB.!!
On second thought, you may have a point; which would allow halfwits to ask questions. Consequently, I am enquiring...."Do you think the problem with the 'Back Arrow' will be resolved before Santa sets sail with his Sleigh.?