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A Thread About Cake

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NoMercy | 14:56 Thu 01st Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
On Tuesday afternoon Bobjugs' rang me and asked me what the chances were of a cake to take to his work the following day. I grumbled a bit bit agreed to bake one that evening for him to take to work the following day.

Within 28 minutes of his arrival, all traces of cake had mysteriously vanished.

The following day, upon his arrival, he was immediately detained, questioned and searched by the Cake Sourcing Officer who shortly released him, pending further cake.

Any cake stories, gossip or preferences for this cake-dedicated thread...?


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i've just eaten and maple and pecan danish, it was very nicve

how is bob now? obviously well enough to be eating cake
I've got a danish pastry with a cherry on the top in the kitchen, with my name on it !
Used to do cake challenge when I was a student nurse on one ward all the staff who were going to be on duty on a wednesday afternoon put a pound in a kitty and a cake request in the 'hat' (vomit bowl-disposable) and I drew one out on a monday night and made it on tuesday for work on Wednesday

They tried to be obscure as possible and we didn't have google back then
so often had to make a trip to the library to track down recipes I had a very good assessment for that ward and it was funny how the same names appeared on the off duty
I've already mentioned this in another thread today.
One of the most bizarre cakes I was asked to make for a gay male friend was one in the shape of a penis and testicles.
I used Spanish Gold (sweet tobacco) to represent his ginger pubes
I've just had one of the mincemeat slices I made yesterday with a latte...Mmmmm
eclair please..!!
ooo I fancy a latte with my danish now ratty !
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Hmmm... sounds delish, Mrs O.... ;-)

Fluff... he forgets his antibiotics, but never forgets his smokes...
I'll go for an eclair too though, in practice, it will be a Vic Sponge later.....Bounty just gone west (the blue one)...
Yummy. Only thing about cake is that i fancy making one.

Bit skint though and still in lazy mode xx
Sorry to go off thread - tinkerbell, I asked you a question in Animal Rescue Prog. Have you seen it x
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I've got Bounty Bars in my fridge, DT. They're very hard to resist...
that reminds me, NoM, a nice bottle of Chablis to put inj the fridge, a Vaucoupin P-Cru.
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That reminds me too, would you be able to do WOTW this week? I've got a lot on today and don't think I will have time...
I like cake but I have not had a cake in yonks! my faves are lemon curd related cakes
Many years ago I was in Singapore on business. It was an amazing hotel with the staff very attentive and when I got to my room after work one afternoon, there was a cake on a plate for me. I started to eat it, and it was exquisite. So nice that I decided to only eat half, go to the roof pool for a swim, and come back and finish it. When I got back to my room after the swim, ever watchful staff had been in to my room and taken the plate away. : o (
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That'll learn you, Grasscarp...

Are you partial to a bit of Lemon Drizzle, Cazzz?
no mercy the recipe you gave me for the fish was gorgeous,i;m gonna make it again
I do like a bit of a drizzle :)
I bought some "knock-down" swiss rolls from Morrisons today. Just had to have something sweet.

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