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Tripping to the bottom of the page....

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boxtops | 08:07 Fri 11th May 2012 | Editor's Blog
14 Answers
Dear Ed,

Is it part of the latest update that when I post an answer, submitting it now usually (but not always) takes me to my new post at the bottom of the page, instead of coming back to the top? Good in some ways, but for people like me who live in Latest Posts, it's annoying to have to keep scrolling back up now (but I know you can't please everyone all of the time :-)


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I think I'm quite liking it. Keeping an open mind tho.
(the Home key will take you directly to the top of a page)
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Thank you bibble, I'm not a keyboard person, I'm a mouser, but I'll remember that.
similarly (in case you have tried it yet) the End key always takes you directly to the bottom of a page
Well, I'll go to the foot of the stairs.

Thanks Bibble x
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all there is at the foot of our stairs is fluff...
It's not fluff, just extra insulation :-)
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LOL, I wish the catz would stop insulating, then!
I've a mutterooni who has insulating down to a fine art.
if you find fluff at the bottom of your stairs, ask her to share her cake
Does anyone else have an issue with the jump-to-bottom-of-page logic?
i'm not sharing any cake
not really, can you just attach a workaround to boxtops' log-in?
Ooh, you're right bibble. I never knew that.

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