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squarebear | 14:00 Wed 12th Sep 2012 | Editor's Blog
158 Answers
Hi Ed,

I notice I have been removed as a mod. Any reason?


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-- answer removed --
Correct answer Triggs.
if mamya is American, the constitution entitles her to bare arms.
Question Author
Oh my! Now I am glad I have my ban user privileges back after that pun ;-)
Squarebear, please work your magic to remove my two answers?
Question Author
Ed - quick question

If I choose a post and click on "Remove from site (Cannot be undone)"
I assume this means the post rather than the user gets deleted?

I have never removed an answer before.
Damn... am I too late to call squarebear a *"**$" ?
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I heard that prospective mods have to live as hermits in a cave for 3 years meditating and staring at their belly buttons.
Question Author
You're not wrong.
Yep, just the question/answer in question, not the user. Very good for removign the offensive stuff from an otherwise excellent thread.

Feel free to delete this entire thread if you like? Or Mick's answer for example?
Question Author
Good stuff. I just tried it on the ones sibton wanted removing.

Oooh! The power! I feel SO ALIIIVEE!!!!!
oh gawd....

Well that's 2 mods I didn't know about.
Question Author
No need to call me Gawd. Sir will do! :-)
pfffft, think again SB :P
So anything you don't agree with, you can just remove ???
Feel free to delete this entire thread if you like? Or Mick's answer for example?

Or give it best answer.... I'm not shy.
Yippee, thank you squarebear

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