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Tilly2 | 18:47 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is this related questions section at the end of posts a new thing or have I never noticed it before? When did it all happen? Have I been asleep?


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Must be this afternoon ?

I can see the sense, but I do find it distracting for now. Probably get used to it. Makes for a messy page though.
Think it's very new, only noticed it earlier and it really confused me when I first saw it.
It's new today Tilly.
I thought I'd pressed the wrong button!!
I wonder how many questions we'll have about this.....
It's new ......and possibly annoying.
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I'm sure there must have been some official announcement about it but not everyone will have seen it and there might be lots of questions from people.
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I see now. Thank you all for clearing that up.
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it', is a motto that should be prominently displayed in Gnome Towers.
I think it's most annoying, every time I hit page end I now have to scroll back up to the most recent post, oh well!
D97 I said the same thing and I think he's going to try and fix it.

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