Dear Ed. I have posted a new quiz a few days ago called Flowers Wild and "Tame"!! but it does not appear to be anywhere.
I have another quiz on the go called Places in Britain, this quiz finishes on the 21st June. The flowers quiz finishes on the 24th July. The problem is that when people have sent for a quiz, they have not specified which one they required. So I reposted to inform them. Still people do not know where to get the flowers quiz from in spite of me enclosing an address several times for contact.
Can you please advise.
tony- I think I've copied and pasted so many youtube clips or 'off their rockers' and links to the tv ad site recently that the 'right click' facility on my mouse is temperamental - some times I need to hit it about 5 times before it copies
Hi Boxtops and factor-fiction. Yes, when I look into my questions I can see it. The problem is some people are posting that there is no address for the Flower quiz. That is what is so confusing.!
yes, factor-fiction that is exactly what I mean. I have two quizzes to sell, one the closing date is 21st June being the Places Britain, and the Flowers Wild and "Tame" finishing on the 24th July. The problem I was trying to solve is, that when people are sending for a quiz, the have not said which one is required. Now some are saying there is no address or contact for Flowers quiz. !! In spite of me posting one.