AS an apologist, why dont you offer your services to Harris, Hall et al ?
after all if you look at it, they werent doing anything different to what other people do in bed at night....
Presumably when ( God Forbid ! ) when you are in a coffin,
on the same argument, you wont object to a creditor doing a selfie with you ( lucky you will be wearing make up so you will be looking your best unlike this ) perhaps waving and a caption on the internet of " well he wont be paying HIS debts !"
So i think it is something to do with respect for the dead AOG
and a taboo from the fourteenth century ( beginnings of chivalry )
But I would well be wrong
and so you know - you could be RIGHT !
This post is solely written in view of stimulating conversation, so please dont go screaming again to the ed...
and then we could flood the internet with amusing viddies of squaddies working the jaws of dead taliban...saying things like...
" Buy a girl here ! Cheap Nigerians just in ...credit cards taken..."
Indeed a very interesting point for discussion - well done