Morning Ed, Would it be possible to include an Edit button that the poster only could use to edit typos noted after posting? It does happen as I'm sure you know.
I don't think it is possible, technically, because of the way the software is designed, to have an edit function. It has been a frequently asked for feature, but it had never been possible. On sites that use for readers comments, I find the edit function very useful.
I think it would be open to abuse. It would perhaps work if changes had to me made within a minute. Most of us make typos but we do have chance to see what we've typed before we press sumbit
Within a minute is garbage. Usually one doesn't see embarrassing typos for some time. No need for time limts, just a footnote re date/time of last edit (and who by).
It would be a full time job for admin to correct typos and would not be very cost effective.
Moderators have the ability to zap there own posts. And then post a rewrite or typo corrected version. Maybe the ability to zap your own post could be extended to everyone? However, that would risk answers ending up in the wrong order sometimes. And some posters might change their posts to make their detractors appear silly.