Do all the different Question and Answer programmes have certain built in
bias’s formulated into their structure dependant on their place of origin ?
For example, it is noticeable that on some sites, many questions regarding religion are so infantile that they must be linked in some way as regards their origin, despite the rules stating that questions bordering on the intended ridiculous are censored and not published.
We have other sites that appear to have their own vocabulary in their choice of normal descriptive terms used. I am not referring to any obscene or swear words used, but to perfectly acceptable Oxford Dictionary terms used for common place items or descriptions.
Its as though these communities have selected their own terms for certain items and normal events that are profoundly different to anyone else.
Could some knowledgeable person please explain WHY?
This query is not intended to be a criticism of any other community, but to lead to a polite and greater understanding between people of different points of view, by giving the reason why.
perhaps question time? that seems to have a built in bias. I watched it tonight and some girl was shouting about thatcher - she couldn't have even been born when thatcher was in power!