Only once have I seen the annoying "cookies" banner on AB.
I clicked "ok" now go away.
It did, but, every time I click on a link supplied by a poster that directs me to a UK site I get the same guff, over and over again.
Cookies have been a part/function of the internet since it started all those years ago.
Do we really need to be reminded?
What a sure fire way to reduce the use of AB, constantly seeing a 'privacy' page on changing categories or threads. Probably 'flounce' if it persists ☺☺☺
"Cookies have been a part/function of the internet since it started all those years ago."
Agreed, the main difference is that before they sneaked all the cookies onto your pc without permission. Now they have to ask permission to sneak them all on your pc, and hope you will just click 'OK' without thinking. Just had the 'declaration' come up 6 times in about 3 minutes.
Feel free to say NO to cookies Slackalice.
Hope you enjoy every website that welcomes you.
There is a way to reduce the invasion of cookies without restricting your browsing pleasure.