From The Buzz/hello!...
Top 50 guilty pleasures...
Having an extra scoop of ice cream or slice of cake
2. Ordering takeaway because you can't be bothered to cook
3. Watching Disney films and cartoons as an adult
4. Falling asleep in front of the television, or at the cinema
5. Watching Netflix / catch up TV or films back to back all day
6. Having an extra tea break when you should be working/studying
7. Ordering enough takeaway to feed a small family
8. Stealing soaps and toiletries from hotels
9. Staying in your pajamas all day
10. Having a whole pack of biscuits with a cup of tea
11. Drinking juice directly from the carton
12. Snooping through other people's pictures on Facebook
13. Curling up with a cup of tea and phone/magazine when you should be doing the chores
14. Proving your partner wrong about something
15. Eating a family size tub of ice cream or bar of chocolate to yourself
16. Listening to cheesy pop
17. Eating cereal for dinner
18. McDonald's breakfasts
19. Watching daytime television such as Bargain Hunt, Jeremy Kyle and Loose Women when you're ill
20. Having a Hot Chocolate with all the extras - whipped cream and Marshmallows
21. Buying yourself flowers
22. Having breakfast in bed
23. Getting back in to bed on a Sunday afternoon
24. Buying a packet of cake or sweets that you know no-one else likes purely so you can eat them all on your own
25. Eating Nutella out of the jar
26. Airport drinking at breakfast time
27. Watching cat videos on YouTube
28. Watching on to the next episode of a box set, ahead of your partner
29. Eating the stash of sweets and chocolates that are supposed to be for the kids
30. Having more than one takeaway in a weekend
31. Buying the same new item in different colours
32. Pulling a sickie
33. Following celebrity feuds
34. Reading an adult novel e.g. 50 Shades of Grey
35. Hiding your favourite food from the other members of the household and pretending they must have eaten it
36. Watching Keeping up with the Kardashians/reality TV
37. Still listening to the Spice Girls as an adult
38. Watching videos of things fitting in other things perfectly
39. Taking countless selfies until you get the perfect picture
40. Secretly following celebs on social media
41. Sneaking off for the day to have a spa break
42. Weird celebrity crushes
43. Doing multiple Buzzfeed quizzes
44. Watching a celeb have a reality TV breakdown
45. Going out for dinner and ordering all desserts and no savoury
46. Telling white lies to the kids so you don't have to take them somewhere
47. Going to the pub straight after the gym
48. Biting both ends of a Cadbury's finger and sucking your tea through it like a straw
49. Playing on the games console when the kids are not around
50. Dancing to Meghan Trainor