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Canary42 | 17:59 Tue 14th Dec 2021 | Editor's Blog
26 Answers
Isn't it time to ditch the Autumn leaves, and perhaps bring on some snow ?


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Much more festive Ed/Tech team. Merry Christmas to you all.
Frosty's in da house!

Happy Christmas All x
Arky, I like the clip you put on, it reminds me of when my husband move to Manchester from down south.
When he came home from his first day ay work he said, 'Someone started talking to me at the bus stop and I've no idea who they were!'
I said oh dear, you better get used to that, it's what we do up here in the North.
Happy Christmas to all at the Towers :-)
Indeed we do, scarier and friendlier at the same time :-)
Christmas isn't Christmas until Arksided puts that avatar on.

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