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MissTerious | 09:55 Thu 20th Oct 2022 | Editor's Blog
23 Answers
If you deactivate your account can you reactivated it without permission from Editors?


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Yes, I was always under the impression you could not .

But I spoke to the Ed and she confirmed we just had to send them an email.
so the answer is NO
Never understand why anyone would want to do so at all?
There is no button you can press. You have to ask the Editor to reactivate your account.
to force yourself to take a break from AB & not be tempted to post was my reasoning in the past (you can still view of course)
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Thanks Red. I will deactivate then for a while. Its a waste of time on here at the moment, but it's become a bad habit I want to shake at least for a few months. I'll miss a few people though . Including you of course. It'll be easier to do if I deactivate. Less temptation!
Sorry I misread your questions LL.

No you need to contact the Ed's to get reinstated
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Dave. Snap
LL - I know - I came back because I missed a few people but I think maybe a longer break is needed.

I hope your house move works out for you xx
Just don't log on, its that easy.
you are obviously much stronger willed than some of us pimply :-))
You don't think theres another reason behind this kind of action?
not for me - what are you implying?
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Thanks. See you soon.
Oh less sensible person to chat to, and one less reason to even bother coming on here or to look in.
Sorry to see you go , you will be a sad loss to A.B Hope it was nothing That I said.
trivial drama i dont see it as a waste of time when i get help and advice but if you are here to talk to doris about her garden then maybe it is a waste of time for you
Miss you - and I think I will follow as even 'safe threads' are being hijacked with the ignoring etc.
Unfortunately there will be no new members to take the place of those who leave.
I find this hard because there are days when I only "chat" to a few on here...along with one other site. :(
I don’t quite understand, just log off. Or maybe some abers want to be missed, ‘ haven’t seen **** for a while ? :-)

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