Guardian Genius 234 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Guardian Genius 234

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LeenaH | 08:52 Thu 05th Oct 2023 | Crosswords
8 Answers

I need hints for  2 answers

Rapper always out catching fish - that surprises me (4)

I think it's je-- 


Became excited with sparkling wine going over floor (6)

I think its



Also I didn't get some of the extra letters 

But figured out the 2 unclued words 


Thanks in advance 

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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something to do with JayZ (sounds like JZ or J Zee)???

Are there possible extra instructions then we need??

Yes, there's a superfluous letter in the wordplay each time.

Take away 'ay' = 'always' from the rapper and insert 'EE[l] for the fish ['l' extra].


'sparkling wine' = FIZZ + [b]ED for 'floor' ['b' extra].

Question Author

Thanks. But how do the extra letters give us the 2 unclued answers? 

I have not got the extra letters in all clues. 

Are they all the letters of the alphabet? Since there are 26 clues. 

Yes, they run A - Z (like the thematic pasta}.

...although not in that order.

Yes they are! The full alphabet! but all mixed up!

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Guardian Genius 234

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