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Clue Chain 6

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elliemay1 | 23:24 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | Crosswords
797 Answers

Hazlinny has kindly asked me to start a new Clue Chain post as the last one has disappeared from Latest Posts

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-made clue which everybody is invited to solve.  The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue, easy or cryptic.

Hazlinny's clue: It's not the second or third help which comes to one's assistance.  (5, 3)

My answer: First Aid



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Thanks Ellie - good of you x

Yes, First aid is correct 😊

Question Author

Bob reads, he's like a sponge and soaked everything up (8)

Question Author

If you know the answer please post as I'm off to bed x


A little copper adjoins the stab wound helping to relieve pain. (11) 


Yes Patsy 😊

Good morning. Just  to let you know I've found you. 😁

Hide a cleaver. That's smart. (6)

Question Author


BTW 'absorbed ' was correct

 Correct, Ellie 😃

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Thanks Patsy

object of a wall in France (5)


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Yes Patsy

Pass one on intensity. (7)

Question Author

pass i on

Yes Ellie 😁 

Question Author

Thanks Patsy

study part of the foot and comfort (7)

If you know it please post as I'm going out for a while x

? Console

Clue:  The craftsman, Ian and I become confused without a state of little sleep.  (8) 


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Clue Chain 6

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