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nicebloke1 | 11:52 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | News
16 Answers

To Sir Keir, and a very well done to Gulliver who predicted this outcome a long time ago, even while Boris the clown was still PM. At last the rubbish Boris left behind has now been disposed of YIPPEE!!

The final bill for Boris's circus performance and illegal parties was presented by the public like I always said it would be, its now been paid in full.

So Gulliver was right yet again. I see the humble pie is taking some digesting.🤣🤣



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"The final bill for Boris's circus performance and illegal parties was presented by the public like I always said it would be, its now been paid in full."


Could you provide a bit more detail please? I have not heard of these illegal parties or how they were "presented by the public" before. 

Reported as Spam

What could be preventing nicebloke1 from returning to answer my question? An insufficiency of intelligence, perhaps?

13:26 I don't think "insufficiency" really covers it.

curly... It's the bill for tory misdemeanours which was presented by the public, in the form of the election result. If you've not heard of the parties I'm very surprised!

How many parties can you recount? 

I do remember a bit of a get together than earned our new PM the moniker "Sir Beer".

reported for stupidity, goading, not news, spam...take your pick!

Gulliver's been rambling on for years about Labour winning an election.  The law of averages dictate that even he has to be right once.  No great feat.

Labour achieved this 'landslide' with only 20% of the electorate voting for them - hardly convincing.

Reform got more votes than the LibDems, but got only five seats to their 71.  Go figure.

LibDems got 72. Roughly 49,000 votes got 1 LibDem MP.

Reform got 5. Roughly 821,000 votes got 1 Reform MP.

Naomi 13.55 "Gulliver's been rambling on for years about Labour winning an election". Well they have just achieved that Naomi.Even though as a last ditch stand your party of Cons turned to your heart throb Boris to rescue them .Even he couldn't save them .Your lot are out of the game now for decades.😎Please remove this answer or get one of your fellow mods to do so if it offends  you ..end of😎

It makes no difference how you Tory losers analyse the Results.  Labour won and the Tories Aka The Cons Lost OK!🤣

-- answer removed --

No, you're alright, Gulliver.  I don't want to remove your posts.  Reading them is like watching an excitable child opening his presents on Christmas morning.  Ahhhh.  You just have to smile.  😃

Naomi 19.54. Think about it though Naomi .This excitable child who opened his present on the fifth of July.When the Tories were wiped out. Thought Christmas had come early this year. Ahhhh 😎 You just have to smile😎


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