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Bazile | 16:59 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Editor's Blog
10 Answers

Why can't you just type in 'Answerbank'in a browser and get into the site on your phone .

It keeps coming up with a 'testing ' page 









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Like this...on my Samsung phone 


Tried on my tablet and it went to this site as usual. Odd.

Thats apache default landing page.

The Eds are aware of the problem.  I get the same result on my Android phone if I search for 'Answerbank' but it opens fine from the bookmark on my phone homepage. 

I'm still getting this on my Samsung phone, too. I have to sign in each time.

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 Yes pasta 

Try inputting "The Answerbank".

In the address change m to www.

LOL, same old, same old.

It would appear that the Answerbank doesn't want to invest some time to ensure that possible new users can easily find this wonderful website.

Google search redirects to 123 crap😏

That will encourage new members when they can't actually access the site😒

Google Answerbank and click on what's offered and get this message.

//This site can’t be reached Check if there is a typo in DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN//

Members have discovered how to access this site, possible new members have no chance to do so.

Has Answerbank become a "members only club"?

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