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An Interesting Article From The Independent

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wolf63 | 15:16 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
7 Answers

It is behind a paywall, but the link should enable anyone to read it without a problem.



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Well it's true that it is the male of the species most likely to feel social pressure to stand up and "be a man". To forcibly fight for what they see as putting things to right. But it is hardly something pulling in all men, nor excluding all women. To imply so is probably a red herring. One needs to look at the causes taken up, and why they have become violent for some.

misandrist rowlocks.

What a crock of leftists rowlocks.

It's well known that (some) young men are prone to violence; that's why they are useful in armies. In the old westerns, the wise old Indian chief would say to the paleface general "The braves  are restless. They want to fight back to save their lands." And the wise old chiefs and generals would try to work together to prevent all-out wars. It isn't 'leftist rowlocks', it's a fact of life.

Football 'hooligans' aren't bothered too much  about political isseus, they just enjoy a scrap, and enjoy havinga 'team' or 'gang' to give them a sense of solidarity.

Very interesting!

it's simplistic to say they are muscle heads, more like a reaction to government indifference, politicians do not live in these areas and feel the desperation of these people, it's let them eat cake attitude or they are all knuckdragger white van types,  some of these guys are from all walks.

The ones looting and burning buildings are definitely knuckledraggers.

Imagine risking a prison sentence to loot a tray of sausage rolls from Greggs. SMH here.

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