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This Is Getting Silly.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:32 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Editor's Blog
13 Answers

I've just had a thread closed and had to repost because the title was not sufficiently boring. I try and bring a bit of light and shade, even some humour yet there seems to be an element here determined to make this site as dull as ditchwater.

The title was "If you have the goose that lays the golden eggs....why strangle it"

Euphemisms often enable a concise title. To say the above in suitably boring prose I'd have to say. "why would you put at risk a potential source of revenue by drawing too much from that source" - Boring enough, yes but nowhere near easy to read and understand as my goose euphemism.

Here is the replacement:

I hope that's dull enough for AB.




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Good morning,

Perhaps it was the reference to Ms Reeves or the constant use of nicknames for members of the current government.

Still running to teacher?

Has it not occurred to you that the Editor has decided on this new course and the Mods are simply enforcing it?

It makes your complaining a little redundant, doesn't it?

Question Author

No I was told to change the title, RR was not in the title, or indeed anywhere in the post.

TTT, I made no reference at all to the title and I posted this with the emphasis as shown.

'Another reminder TTT, "Please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames."'


Try using her proper name (RR) and see if the same thing happens.

Question Author

10:36 it has but that doesn't mean I agree with it. I am fond of this site and I just think it's being slowly eroded by this sort of thing.

Question Author

10:37 ...meaning repost with a different title.

Question Author

10:38 RR was not mentioned in the post concerned or the replacement.

under your link you used

Good ole Robber Reeves!

This site is not operated for your sole amusement nor for you to ride roughshod over the rules.

You'll have to do as you are asked or find another site to use which will be more accommodating of your big personality.

For completeness my entire post was this.

'Another reminder TTT, "Please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames."

I will be closing this thread and allowing you ten  minutes to post it again without a nickname.'

There is nothing telling you to change the title so perhaps you need to calm down and take time to read the posts properly?

Question Author

10:43 apologies I thought it was the title that was objected to here.

Apology accepted.

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