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Khandro | 09:21 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | Editor's Blog
25 Answers

Is it possible on AB to stop receiving the email notifications of additions to the threads to which one is subscribed ?



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Morning khandro, you need to unsubscribe.  

I think what Khandro may be after is to retain the list of subscribed posts but without the e-mails - it's certainly something I would like to see 😊


Don't they just go quiet after a bit ?

Plus if some spammer adds to them you are informed and can report it.

I think subscribing to a thread automatically generates email notifications, canary - but if anyone knows differently hopefully they'll tell us.

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n. At the moment I can't receive emails on that address anyway (see my other thread). It makes me think though that without all those  pesky notifications I would only need to go into AB & look at my 'Subscribed Posts' list.

I must, like everyone else I guess, deleted thousand of unnecessary notifications. 

An opt-out possibility would be welcome.

I have just checked the email that I use for AB and there are no notifications at all.

I recall unticking a little box below where one posts a question so it must have worked.

clementino, unsubscribing removes the thread from the user's subscribed list.  I think Khandro would like to have the option to retain subscribed threads on his list but cancel the email notifications that come with them.

 Clementino- that's only for your own questions. You would still get emails for other people's threads that you have subscribed to.

I just have a separate email address which I use only for AnswerBank and which I check only  every month or so.

//I just have a separate email address which I use only for AnswerBank//


Me too, NMA.

Thanks Naomi. I only subscribed to one thread in April and had no notification I think that is when I unchecked the box

When I do check I delete loads of emails about subscribed threads. I'm not sure why they are sent as we can see subscribed threads ( well the 6 most recent)  when we sign into AB.

I only check my emails just to see if I've  received a mod invitation or had replies to my reports of pure stupidity and spam, but I'm still waiting to receive those.

I untick the box but still get notifications. They go straight to the bin 

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naomi; //...I think Khandro would like to have the option to retain subscribed threads on his list but cancel the email notifications that come with them.//

Exactly!   When one is subscribed to several threads, particularly if they are busy, one has masses of unnecessary notifications.

Set up a filter so they go straight to the bin, Khandro

Khandro, having a separate email account makes deletions easy.  All those notifications arrive under the same heading so I just highlight the whole bunch and delete.

Mark the address used as spam and they'll go to that folder in future.

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But it's my main email account.

barry what do you mean, 'set up a filter'?  

I do the same as Barry - I filter all AB emails into my Trash.


You have a spam folder and you can mark the address this notifications come from as being spam.

Future notifications will then go straight into the spam folder and not your in-box.

You can filter emails so they don't arrive in your in-box.  So all emails with the address [email protected] go straight to my bin.  

I could block the domain (the but then I wouldn't receive any emails from AB. 

I also filter words in emails so they go straight to spam - gummies, for example

This is how to do it GMail


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