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La Fires

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Hymie | 01:45 Fri 10th Jan 2025 | News
10 Answers

My heart bleeds for the multi-millionaire film stars who have lost one of their many homes in the conflagration (as covered incessantly on news channels) - no-one seems to care about the ordinary residents who have lost everything and have very little money in the bank.



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Or the people that have died.

It's a rather sweeping statement to say that nobody cares about the ordinary people.

It is a horrendous situation for all involved.


But a picture of Paris Hilton in the media, who could have free accommodation in numerous hotels around the world is supposed to tug our heartstrings?

If only the media could report about those that were truly hurt.

But that wouldn't make "headlines"

Who cares about the plebs?

Ask a "jaag" driving AB member😏

Yesterday's Mail Online gave the impression only Hollywood A-listers were affected in their several articles.


What about all those people that earned a basic living pampering to the rich?

another moronic post from our resident obsessionist. Even as I type this the BBC are doing a report about the majority, non celebs that have lost everything. Do you ever engage the brain cell before openning the BS flood gates?

The fires are horrendous.  The BBC was talking to ordinary people yesterday.  

It's the way of the world and no amount of posturing either way will change it.

I just heard that police are interviewing somebody in connection with it all.

The woman on the news who spoke about her father getting burnt to a crisp looked very ordinary to me.


Sorry about that.

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