kitchen bin in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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kitchen bin

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Connemmara | 13:12 Tue 29th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
How can I get rid of Subscribed Threads on my screen - telling me my query is 19744 mins old. Getting on the oul nerves.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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open up the actual thread, the middle tab reads 'unsubscribe' click on it and it will stop the alert
Visit the thread and click "subscribe"
Don't you mean 'unsubcribe?'
nice to see 2 people agreeing..........
Question Author
thanks Ed and the others - you meant unsubscribe - which what came up - tara
plus, " "is a quotation from a person or text, ' ' is to distinguish within a sentence a reference to a technical term.
I'm back............

Hi Ed,

Do you ever think that you and Dot were made for each other?..................lol
ab editor clearly off his rocker !

between report and post there is unsubscribe. click on that.
The ed's smitten...............................love is in the air!

I think the Eds been at the wine at lunch.

Share it out Ed!
Thank god for that question. Was getting on my nerves too

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