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AB Editor | 10:24 Thu 25th Mar 2010 | Editor's Blog
50 Answers
Dear All,

I hope you are well.

We are always thinking about changing the site - hopefully to improve it all.

One thing we were considering changing is the current tab system of Most Recent/Recently Answered etc to something a little more like this:


Here we have the articles tab, the web tab (and the polls tab eventually). We have simplified the Q&A tabs as well. We think this might work a little better than our current system.

What we're wondering is whether we've missed anything? Are there any massive flaws in a system like this? Equally - what else would you like to see on it? Pictures? Blogs?

Now is a good time to throw any interesting ideas you have into the mix!

All the best,

Spare Ed


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no more changes !!!!!! took me enough time to get used to the layout of the page they jellymen ect !!!!
Question Author
How about if we had a button next to the "next" button which said "all" Jno? this could pull out access to the archive?

TCL - noted.

Spare Ed
Question Author
Sorry Zzxxee !

Spare Ed
however you do it is fine, Ed, but if you simply ditch the current All Answered option there won't be any way of looking up a thread you remember unless you've memorised the words.
Question Author
But questions will have all the questions in it? So you could look through there.

How about if we introduced a "favourite" system? i.e. you can "tag" stuff you like to remember in your profile maybe? Although I guess that is what subscribe to questions does.

All the best

Spare Ed
well, I only spotted this when I saw something on a news site that related to a Q I'd seen a couple of months ago, then couldn't find the Q to post a link as an answer. It wouldn't have occurred to me to tag it at the time. An 'All' tab would do the trick, though (as long as the Q's on it were in date order).
Question Author
I think that is a sensible way to go with it all Jno.

All the best

Spare Ed
I spent quite a lot of Saturday using the 'Report This' button.
After hitting the 'submit' button, I got the usual banner telling me that my report had been submitted.
However, I am then taken away from the thread, to the CB (in the main) index page. I then have to click the question and then the page number.

Would it be possible to report a comment and *remain where I am* ?
Sorry if this repeats anything. Simply to say glad you're thinking of keeping "all unanswered". As you rightly say, us quizzes and puzzles types find this a very useful tab, especially those of us who particularly like answering rather than asking.
Hi Ed,

You say in your first reply that the results will default to the Questions Tab but that ias not so on your example search.

If you are going to implement a combined search, will you still need the two radio buttons for 'Web' and 'Site'? May I suggest you keep them and just change the focus for what is displayed ('Questions' for a site search, and 'Sponsored web Links' for a web search). Or do I detect a financial advantage to AB for pushing the sponsored links in front of us by default?

Incidentally, the possessive form of 'company' is company's, not companies. (in the MONEYSUPERMARKET blurb above the results on your sample page.)
The existing Tabs seem fine, the changes suggesrted appear confusing and more
related to search.
The existing site is excellent and far easier than the much criticised early version,
positive and helpful.
Best wishes
Question Author
Good catch Gen. Will have a look!

The default will be on Questions - which will contain all questions.

There is a financial advantage, but we don't think we'll be landing you on pages like that if you're already a member.

In terms of the search we would have a combined search which allows to tab filter into what you want. The radial buttons would change from Web/Site to All/Category.

This should allow you all to search within one section - possibly very handy to Q&P users?

All the best

Spare Ed
cannot find the dummy/sample page so cannot comment
I prefer things as they are now. Why 'fix' a problem when there actually isn't one?
Ed, please install or add the option to view ones post before actually posting it.

Thank you
Well, Avatars (Dirty word) would be nice Ed ! Any sign of those yet ?
Dear AB editor
I was going rely on the computer buffs who have replied to your question to speak on my behalf, but the truth is I don't understand what half of them are talking about, using computer jargon I don't understand. You say that a lot of ABs layout is left over from your predecessor, but speaking for myself, at least I can use the site as it is, I haven't the time to sort out another complicated system.I don't want pictures, blogs, extra tabs, or any other distraction that stops me from seeing whether there is an answer to my question (and this still doesn't appear in my inbox as you once promised)I also want to be able to give a reply easily. I am sorry if this upsets your users who do understand the lingo. I appreciate that you are only trying to improve the site, and can see future possibilites in your understanding of technology, but please don't lose sight of your current users who may want to keep it simple. I didn't really want to confess my ignorance, but unless people like myself speak up for what we want, I'm frightened that technology will move on too fast, and we won't be able to use the site for the enjoyable purpose it was originally intended.
if the new format would confuse people like me, why change? I think the present system is wonderful and I would leave it be. but if you think a change is good , then so be it. Cheers one way or another.
something that indicates when a question has already been asked(mainly in Q&P) would help not fill pages up with repeat prescriptions.this prob already been suggested,but brain numbed by exposure to too much water!
I hope I'm not going over old ground here (I'm not a regular user, so I don't know what's been said in the past), but what I would find relly useful would be:
a) popular xwords to be categorised by the use of drop-down menus (eg 'mos', dtgk', ;dt herc' etc, not forgetting the all-important 'OTHER'
b) allowing searches by this xword category

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