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The AnswerBank Articles

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Technical Update - Email Notifications

Thank you to those who let us know that some of our AB notification emails were not being delivered. Our Technical Team have identified the problem and you should be receiving all your AB emails now.17:23 Tue 21st Mar 2006

Technical Update - Search Facility

The AB search facility is temporarily down. We are currently investigating the problem and hope to be up and running by later this afternoon. We apologise greatly for the inconvenience. Thank you for14:25 Wed 08th Mar 2006

Sharing emails now allowed on the ole AB

Starting today, sharing email addresses will no longer be a "reportable offence" on the AnswerBank. Users can now swap and share their email addresses with impunity. However, please remember that once15:04 Mon 06th Mar 2006

Technical Update March 3rd

The AnswerBank will be undergoing technical work between 0830 and 0930 Friday morning. You may not be able to post during some part of that time.17:56 Thu 02nd Mar 2006

Your mother made you wear what

AnswerBankers remember the good old days: Old favourite tv programmes. Crisps! Children's games. International Stores. Sweets, sweets, and more sweets. Clothes your mother made you wear. And most18:28 Tue 28th Feb 2006

What we learned on the AB this week

Forget about skool, everything you'll ever need to know in life, you can learn it here on the ole AB, and you don't have to wear a school uniform - unless of course you are into that sort of thing.18:00 Fri 24th Feb 2006

13 million tons of what

For those of you who want an answer to Red Dragon FM Radio's contest question, "What does the United States produce 13 million tons of annually " Take your pick: ALFIE: Osama Bin Ladens laurence2:12:23 Wed 22nd Feb 2006

Love Match

The modern dating scene can be a nightmare. Long gone are the days when a girl could date three different guys in a week and still make it to Sunday dinner with her dignity intact. Instead of relying18:05 Mon 20th Feb 2006

Apples and Oranges

Breaking news - celebrities have feelings, too. Eight years after they released their first EP The Safety on the Fierce Panda label, Coldplay have finally called it quits, with Chris Martin admitting16:34 Thu 16th Feb 2006

AB Uni

Sometimes the AnswerBank feels like a university of cliques, with the Quiz and Puzzlers swapping clues and strategies in the teacher s lounge, the News crowd debating the future of the country before15:25 Tue 14th Feb 2006


When posting a question please provide in a single post, the full clue including the number of letters and any letters known.12:24 Mon 13th Feb 2006


If this is a quiz or puzzle question, please post it in the Quiz and Puzzles category.12:22 Mon 13th Feb 2006


If this is a quiz or puzzle question, please post it in the Quiz and Puzzles category.12:21 Mon 13th Feb 2006

Important Notice

If you or any dependents are unwell we strongly advise you to seek professional advice from your doctor. Please do not rely on or wait for advice from AnswerBank users.12:18 Mon 13th Feb 2006

How offended are you

The topic of the week has been those blasted cartoons first published in the Danish paper Jyllands-Posten and which depict the prophet Mohammed, which is supposedly not allowed. In spite of this a17:33 Fri 10th Feb 2006

Brand New

Welcome to the newest feature on the AnswerBank - the Blog, a place where changes to the site, links to interesting discussions and questions, and other useful information will be regularly published.15:00 Mon 06th Feb 2006

Dear AB Members

The ChatterBank has been temporarily suspended pending further development. The rest of the AnswerBank will remain open as usual.15:37 Fri 16th Dec 2005

Dear AB Members

Due to popular demand, we would like to welcome you to The AnswerBank s newest category, ChatterBank. An area where you can put your feet up and discuss the fascinating minutia of the day, such as the15:09 Thu 09th Jun 2005

Important notice

Please note: Anyone asking about or attempting to name people involved in legal cases where injunctions or anonymity are in place will have their accounts terminated.17:34 Fri 04th Mar 2005

Important notice

Please note: Anyone asking about or attempting to name people involved in legal cases where injunctions or anonymity are in place will have their accounts terminated.17:33 Fri 04th Mar 2005

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