Crosswords40 mins ago
Anti-bullying and youth support sites
Life is never easy and we are glad that the AnswerBank can provide a space for people to anonymously discuss their problems. We have, however, received some posts from young people that have been of particular concern - partly due to their age and the gravity of the situation they describe. Young people have to face many heavy issues nowadays and they need all the support we can offer them. If you read a post and you feel the poster is under particular stress, please report the post and we will be able to email them with suitable resources.
Saying that, please find below a list of popular online and phone resources for youths in trouble. If you feel we have neglected to include a valuable charity or organisation, please email the AB Editor and we will include it.
Childline -
0800 11 11
Call them to talk about anything that is worrying you. Phone line is free and open 24 hours.
ChildLine Scotland Bullying Helpline
0800 441111, 3.30pm-9.30pm Monday-Friday
Open to children and young people calling from anywhere in Scotland.
0808 800 5000, NSPCC Child Protection Helpline
If you are worried about a child's safety and well-being please call 999 in an emergency or the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline � a confidential and free service open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
There 4 Me -
Part of the NSPCC family. Site is for all 12-16 year-olds living in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. If you've got a problem, email "Ask Sam", the site agony aunt for some professional advice. Also featuring message boards and a private in-box that allows you to send emails to NSPCC advisers when the site is open.
The Samaritans -
08457 90 90 90, for the cost of a local call.
In the Republic of Ireland dial 1850 60 90 90, for the cost of a local call.
They provide confidential emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.
Nightline -
020 7631 0101
Charity organisation run by students of London Universities providing emotional support for students as well as an information service. They are available for confidential listening support from 6pm to 8am every night of term.
The Site -
Youth-oriented site with discussion boards on topics relevant to young people such as sex, homework, peer pressure and family. They also have a database of thousands of local, regional and national organisations who can offer you advice and information on anything that's concerning you.
Families Anonymous UK -
Helpline: 0845 1200 660
For relatives and friends concerned about the use of drugs or related behavioural problems.
Based on the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions first formulated by Alcoholics Anonymous, their aim is to provide mutual support and to offer a forum where experiences and anxieties can be shared.
BeatBullying -
London based anti-bullying campaign. Find information on local anti-bullying activities and programmes occurring in your area.
Bully Watch London -
Part of the BeatBullying campaign. Adults and youths are encouraged to report bullying behaviour by submitting a confidential Bullying Report Form. Also find tips on combating bullying and supporting victims of bullying. is the BeatBullying site, conceived and designed by young people. Visitors assume an animated character to move around the site � sort of like SIMS, to find the latest information for young people being bulled and those who are bullying others.
Parent Line -
0808 800 2222, 24 hour free helpline. Or email them your questions from the site.
Site has information on all aspects of parenting, especially the difficult subjects such as bullying, teenage pregnancy and alcohol/drug abuse.
Young Minds -
020 7336 8445, Monday to Friday 9.30am-5.30pm.
National charity committed to improving the mental health of all children and young people.