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with all these changes, how about it?

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unrulyjulie | 06:31 Tue 10th Jul 2007 | Site Suggestions
27 Answers
i remember the "good old days" when we had colours/ bold and italics etc...! I don't see why this can't be brought back.

Unnecessary some might say but i thought it brightened AB up. Any chance Ed???


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well... it'd be nice to have colour back
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i know we can do bold and italics jno but i don't actually know how and im sure im not the only one ! It was so easy before. ;-)

i loved the colours! Just dont see why we had to loose the option.
am i being silly, i cant find out how to do bold italics or underline.... the normal crtl B, U or I doesnt work for me!
julie/hayley try this site. It also shows you how to do the red link in a post too (as above!)

Go Arnnn, amaze and stun your friends with it ;-)

But yes, i'd love the colours back too, they made the birthday posts that much more snazzier.
Yep, it's never been the same without funky's blue coat, has it, Jules? :o) x

Come on, Ed (please)! :o)
thanks for your help BOO!!!!!
Nice one julie. I used to like the colour option,much better than boring black& white.
Didn't quite pull that one off did ya Neti?

as the bishop said to the actress
Well beggar me, that last one was blue when I submitted it!
Wazzup! That one was blue on yellow background - we did it not long ago.
<neti searches ever deeper inside top hat looking for rabbit to pull out>

How come it's in colour on preview but changes when I submit.
<< neti goes off with hump, having more important things to do huh!!!>>
What is it that you're doing that underlines it? I think it's there where the problem is.

Though I have to say this is quite entertaining watching your efforts there.
can anyone else see a bit of yellow in in the ff??
I'm not underling it - this is it

a style="background: Red;color: White;font-size: 12px;font-weight: bold; cursor: text;text-decoration: none;">TEXT HERE</a

Don't you dare to succeed where I have failed.

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with all these changes, how about it?

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