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Happy feet.

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wildwood | 21:12 Sat 10th Sep 2011 | Animals & Nature
15 Answers
Some of you will remember a couple of months ago when an Emperor penguin in a poor state washed up on a beach in NZ. After a few operations to remove the sand it ate, and $28,000 worth of care to restore it back to health it was released and is now on it's way back to the Antarctic. Let's hope that when it arrives home some leopard seal doesn't come along and has it for lunch.



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Wow, great site - it looks like a heck of a long way to swim!
$28,000?!! Wowzer!
Lol hope he makes it after all the care and attention it's had. Didn't know they could swim that far without a rest.
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I'm sorry but that is ridiculous..............complete waste of a lot of money.
Aaah Craft - don't be mean, bet you used to pull the legs off flies ......
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sad to say he has been eaten. no reports for 4 days.
Good article. Personally I think the tracker has either come off or stopped working. I dont know how waterproof it would have been to the depth and lenght of time penguins stay under water. Disappointing not to be able to continue tracking him but Im sure he is fine. He has a chip intserted in his thigh so you never know he may turn up in a colony and be identified one day. Good luck Happy Feet I wish you well.
Said it was a waste of money.............
the latest apparently......

Happy Feet the penguin's tracker falls silent

Emperor penguin found in New Zealand and returned to the ocean may have been eaten – or his tracker may have fallen off

I know it's really sad, but I just can't help but think of better things $28,000 could have been spent on. I'm not being heartless, I love animals, but fact of the matter is, they're lower down the food chain to the starving children in this world... and now it's bloody dead anyway. But still sad :(
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